June 2019 AST Magazine June 2019 AST Magazine | Page 27
HRES harnesses and Fire Resis-
tant Evacuation Suits are attached to
a harness with heavy-duty Kevlar
thread and connects to the CDD with
a high strength carabineer.
June 2019 - Edition 34
Designed with senior citizens, mo-
bility impaired and the disabled
communities in mind, they can also
accomodate both a adult and child to-
gether if necessary and are made up of
an Aluminized, Kevlar-style material
that repels 95% of radiant heat.
HRES Fire Resistant Evacuation Suits
are especially effective for assisted evac-
uation & rescue solutions for hospitals,
facilities for disabled persons, child care
facilities and nursing homes.
HRES also offers heat-resistant evcuation suits
to complement HRES systems
The award-winning Guardian
Escape System is ideal solu-
tion for self evacuation & res-
cue solutions for anyone liv-
ing or working above the 2nd
floor, and are widely utilized
in government buildings,
embassies, barracks, and air
traffic control centers.