June 2019 AST Magazine June 2019 AST Magazine | Page 25
June 2019 - Edition 34
Did you know that ninety-nine percent of the world’s fire ladder trucks
cannot reach above the 7th floor?
inner lining and braided polyester
jacket to protect it against abrasion,
The Guardian Escape System works by moisture and heat.
using a combination of several sim-
ple, low-tech devices, that require no Cable lengths are currently available
power, are inexpensive, have a long up to 1000 feet (305 meters) or about
100 floors.
shelf-life and are easy to use.
Step by Step – How it Works
HRES Escape Systems are avail-
able in both permanent and por-
table solutions for easy attach-
ment to a structure.
Each of the systems incorporates
a Controlled Descent Device
(CDD), which works like a pulley.
Each CDD incorporates a po-
ly-steel cable with a neoprene