June 2019 1 | Page 18


Take a moment to sit outside and listen to what is going on around you. If you live in the city, try and find time to go to your nearest park or natural place, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Listen to the bird sing, now close your eyes and imagine you are that bird. You are free, you are happy. Listen to the breeze, now imagine you are that breeze caressing yourself with the comfort of her arms loving you. If the sun is shining feel the warmth of her rays surround you. Smell the sweet scent of the flowers and plants around you. Feel your feet in contact with the earth and how confident she makes you feel. Look up to the sky and see the purity and clearness of the air that passes in swirls, catching the leaves on the trees and making them shimmer in the rays of the sun. This is all that surrounds you, all of the time, you are not in nature, you are part of nature. All that you need to sustain you is right in front of you. You are touching it, you can hear it and you can see it.

As the flowers, trees, shrubs and bushes, the birds, the grasshoppers and the blades of grass are born, grow in size and strength and then die, leaving behind their seeds for the next generation to come, as are you and everyone on this planet. Nature is our Mother and Spirit is our Father and all who surround us are our brothers and sisters. You do not become spirit, you are spirit, you do not live with nature, you are part of nature.

Step outside and take a moment for you, what are your thoughts? think about them. Who are you, what are you here for? Where did you come from and where are you going and what will you leave behind you?