June 2018 SPECIAL EDITION September 2016

September 2016 3500 Ames Blvd., Marrero, LA 70072 504-347-2203 Good Stewards Never Delay in Helping the Needy Inside  Jesus was in constant trouble with the Scribes and Pharisees. They feared him; he was eroding their powers base. They were jealous of Jesus. So, they had a mission. Their mission was to discredit Jesus, to catch him breaking one of the more than six hundreds laws, rules and regulations the Jews had at that time. As Jesus repeatedly told the Scribes and Pharisees, many of the rules were picayune. Here was Jesus’ rule, and it should be ours as well. Never break GOD’s laws. But, when it comes to the rules and regulations MAN makes, follow them if they help us observe God’s laws. Otherwise, if the rules and regulations get in the way of lovingly serving another, set them aside. Let me give you an example. Jesus was in a synagogue on the Sabbath. He saw a man with a withered hand. He had compassion for the man. So, even though the Scribes and Pharisees were watching every one of his moves, hoping to catch him breaking a rule, Jesus healed the man. The Scribes and Pharisees became enraged, and it was at that point that they started planning to have Jesus killed. Why did Jesus heal the man, even though it was the Sabbath? Did he want to Continued on page 8 Page 1 vol.org  2 A Big Thank You From Pre-K VOL Student Haley Tran Designs Winning Logo  3 Remembering VOL School Secretary Patsy Byars  VOL Parish Mission   4 BBQ Cookoff 5 VOL Students Support Fellow Classmate Jourdan Loyola As He Fights A Rare Neuro Immune Disorder   6 Students Meet Community Helpers  Pre-K Bake Sale 7 The Original Divine Mercy: Director’s Cut  8 VOL Pet Blessing