June 2018 SPECIAL EDITION June 2017

JUNE 2017 3500 Ames Blvd. Marrero, LA 70072 504.347.2203 vol.org Good Stewards Hug Jesus’s Oxymorons Have you ever paid close attention to Jesus’s beatitudes? I hope you have. They are extraordinarily important. They are a big piece of Jesus’s mission to “fulfill” the Old Covenant. To “complete” the Old Covenant. The beatitudes are extraordinarily important, but they are somewhat puzzling. They seem to turn the world upside down. In fact, it can be honestly said the beatitudes are all oxymorons. Know what an oxymoron is? Well, it is an apparent contradiction. For example, deafening silence is an oxymoron. So is “bittersweet.” It seems to me that Jesus was constantly turning the world upside down. You know, “Love your enemy.” “The first shall be last.” “Serve and not be served.” None of those qualify as common sense. However, all of them qualify as “Jesus sense”. Okay, back to the beatitudes. One of those that I struggle with is: “Blessed are the persecuted.” We all want to be blessed, but I doubt any of us want to be persecuted. We do not wake up in the morning and say, “Wow, what a gorgeous day. I just can’t wait to get out there and be persecuted.” But, that is exactly what Jesus says we should be saying. Let’s explore why. If we want heaven, we must grow. We must grow in holiness. And, Jesus says that just doesn’t happen when every day is a “Golly gee whiz perfect day.” If every day is perfect, we’ll stagnate. We’ll stay on our plateau of perfection. It is only when we encounter problems, like persecution, that Continued on page 8 Page 1 Inside -2- The Inversion Conversion -3- BBQ Cookoff RCIA -4- Summer Seminarian Damian Zablocki -5- Altar Servers and Children’s Choir Enjoy Waterpark Fun -6- Texting the Truth About Tithing -7- Men’s Club Raffle