June 2018 SPECIAL EDITION July 2016 Issue | Page 7
JULY 2016
Meet Fr. Francis Nguyen, Our New Parochial Vicar
My name is Father
missionary spirit. In 2009, I
Francis Dzung Nguyen. I was
entered seminary in the United
born in 1978, in a small town in
States, which provided me with an
the Bui Chu diocese, which is
excellent experience for my
near the capital city of Hanoi personal, spiritual, intellectual and
Vietnam. My childhood was
pastoral growth. I have gained
blessed with love, hope, faith
knowledge in philosophy and
and prayer.
theology, and I have learned more
There are four people in
about teamwork, solidarity, and
my family. I am the oldest, so I
leadership. The knowledge and
always set a good example for
experience have strengthened my
my younger brother. I spend of
priestly vocation and skills in
my free time in reading, listening
serving Church.
to music, and watching television. Fr. Francis Nguyen, the new Parochial My desire is to serve the good
I love to meet friends and to have Vicar at Visitation of Our Lady Parish people of the Archdiocese of New
lunch or dinner with them. In
Orleans, who are God's holy
general I like to eat chicken, potatoes, and rice.
people. On June, 4th 2016, the Archbishop rested
I prefer fresh cauliflower and carrots to broccoli. his hands on my head as I kneeled, and he
My parents were famers in Vietnam. But now
ordained me a priest of Jesus Christ. I am truly
both of my parents are living in Australia and my blessed that I am serving the Lord and his people
younger brother is still staying in Vietnam. My
in the priestly ministry. I am very happy in the
parents have been a significant part of my
beginning of my ministry in Visitation of Our Lady
religious formation and my vocation.
Parish. I am h ere in our parish to learn and to
After finishing a 4
serve. Please be patient with me, pray for me and
year degree and
my vocation. I am looking forward to meeting you
working 3 years in and working with you.
a company in
Vietnam, I started
to talk with the
Louisiana to Vietnam
Joseph Ngo
9,200 miles
Quang Kiet, the
Archbishop of
Hanoi who helped
me discover that I
had the
Giáo Xứ Quần Lạc, Fr. Francis
Nguyen’s home parish in Vietnam
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