June 2018 SPECIAL EDITION January 2018 | Page 8

January 2018 (continued from page 1) get an “A.” Do not short change God! But, be com- forted. God wants us with him in heaven so badly that he recognizes our imperfection and requires just a passing grade to get to heaven. What does a passing grade mean? Well, it means the following. If we fail to live the way Jesus tells us to live (see the paragraph above on what that means), we go to Confession at least once a year for minor infractions and go to Confession as soon as possible every time we gravely sin. It means that we are truly sorry for our sins. It means that we make a sincere effort not to commit those sins again. It means we go back to Confession if, despite our sin- cere effort, we do sin again. AND, here is a very hard part of the equation, it means that we forgive those who have sinned against us. Jesus says very explicitly that we will get forgiveness only to the de- gree that we pass it on. Ok, the paragraph above explains what we do if we FAIL to live like Jesus. And, of course, being human, that will happen to all of us from time to time. But, as Children of God, we are required to live most of the time like our spiritual brother, Jesus. We, like He, must be chips off the ole block. We must LOVE. ALL! Let’s let this modern parable give us guidance. When he was nine, Adam was in a club with Benny, Chuck, George and Eddie. Eddie was a misfit. All the guys except Eddie were intelligent, good looking and athletic. Their parents were wealthy. Eddie was a c-minus student, short, fat and awkward. His parents were poor. One day, George asked Adam to join with Benny, Chuck and him in kicking Eddie out of the club. George said, “He’s a dufus. He just isn’t one of us.” Adam refused. He said, “It’s not right. My dad says God wants us to live like Jesus, and I’m pretty certain Jesus wouldn’t do that.” Well, George, Benny and Chuck kicked Adam as well as Eddie out of the club. When he was 34, Adam told that story to his son, Zeke. He ended by saying, “I tell you that sto- ry, son, to let you know we are all God’s children and if we want to get to heaven, we must always try to do what Jesus would do. We, like He, must be chips off the ole block. We must love everybody, especially the Eddie’s of the world.” Kindergarten students celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing up as 100-year-olds! Page 8