June 2018 SPECIAL EDITION February 2015 Issue | Page 3

February 2015 Being In The Right Place At The Right Time: VOL Student Michael Klause’s Touching Story VOL Eighth-grader Michael Klause penned this reflection after traveling to Washington DC for the March For Life Recently, two of my friends and I journeyed on a pilgrimage known as the March for Life. It was a beautiful experience. While there, God presented Himself to me in a special way. First of all, God graced me with the opportunity to attend such an amazing event. Also, not only was the experience in DC a life changing one, but the bus ride there was full of fun and adventure, and the experience would touch the heart of any Christian. I made new friends that I will never forget. I had the best chaperones a person could ask for, and we watched some of the most inspirational movies of all time. One thing they told us that everyone on the bus would remember for the entire trip was: “We are pilgrims, not tourists,” which helped me to open my heart to God. After the 26 hour bus ride (which was worth it), we arrived at the hotel, ate dinner, and went to bed to prepare ourselves for the next day’s adventures. When we woke up the next morning, we were all excited to be in DC, so we got up, got ready, ate breakfast, and rushed onto the bus. That day, we headed to the White House, where we would start the Rosary, then march from there to the nearby Planned Parenthood Center. As we prayed outside of the VOL students (l. to r.) Michael Klause, Bryan Tran, and Anthony Ribando were among thousands of students from across the nation to participate in the 2015 March for Life in Washington D.C. abortion clinic, many weeping women exited with their heads hung low. Our prayer was not only for the unborn child, but also for the mother in desperation. It was then that I realized that we were in the right place at the right time. Afterwards, we went to a Christian concert and Adoration. When I looked around the stadium and saw thousands of Catholics on their knees praying, I could truly feel God’s presence. I felt His calling. He was calling me to be a speaker, to carry His message to everyone I know, and to spread the Word of God. God sealed the message when my favorite song was played, “Oceans.” It was a beautiful night for me, and I almost found myself in tears. The next day, we marched on the Capitol of our nation. We were the voice for millions of babies that never had the opportunity to be heard or to defend themselves. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Why should these babies die for the parents? As we continued to march, groups would join in. Finally, we got to the top of Capitol Hill. Looking back for miles, there was nothing but Christians being the voice for the silent. That view was one of the last experiences of my very spiritual journey. I think I’ll remember that moment for the rest of my life. VOL student Michael Klause (bottom right corner) and hundreds of other students from the Archdiocese of New Orleans represent the pro-life youth in our area with their purple in the 2015 March for Life in Washington D.C. 3