December 2017
December 2017
isitation of Our Lady
3500 Ames Blvd., Marrero, LA 70072 504.347.2203
Student Salute
Respect Life Prayer Card
Lessons From a Drummer
VOL School’s Welcome
The Spirit of Giving
Fallen Officers Remem-
bered Through Hero One
Memorial Car
When Good Stewards Suffer They
See The Other Side...Heaven
Isaiah says God will wipe away our tears. Aren’t we glad? From
time to time, life can be awfully tough. From time to time, we all suffer.
Physically and emotionally. And, we all cry.
So, when will that wiping away of our tears happen? Jesus came!
But, he went back home 2,000 years ago and people are still crying.
Well, here’s the deal. If we want Jesus to wipe away our tears, we
must change the way we look at the world. Yes, struggle still happens to
good people; but, because the Son of God has opened the gates of heaven
by his life, crucifixion and resurrection, our struggles now have positive
meaning. Suffering and struggle aren’t bummers, they’re tickets. They
are tickets to heaven.
Jesus has forgiven ALL sins. Past, present and future. However,
our good and gracious God gives us free will. He won’t force anything
on us, not even forgiveness. We must accept it, and we must do that not
just with our words, we must also do it with our actions. We must do
more than say, “Lord, I accept your forgiveness.” We must show that we
are SINCERE when we say those words. And, we do that with our ac-
tions. When we DO what Jesus tells us and choose to be last and not first,
when we choose to serve and not be served, when we choose to sacrifi-
cially love all, when we recognize our suffering is a gift that makes us
more Christ-like, Jesus says, “Ah, they really mean it. They truly do ac-
cept my forgiveness.”
I recently was diagnosed with skin cancer. My dermatologist,
though, told me it was no big thing. After the diagnosis, he told me to
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