June 2018 Issue #18 June 2018 PRIDE issue #18 4GUYS | Page 65

1. Mentally and Physically Prepare Before anything can happen, it is important for you to check your mood. Do you feel like topping or is your mind elsewhere? If the answer is no and you are just looking to release, don’t force yourself to top your man. Most bottoms will be able to detect if you’re truly feeling it and if the experience is genuine. There’s nothing wrong with vanilla, provided the both of you are down with an alternative activity. If the answer is yes and you are in the mood to top, make sure you take the time to clean yourself properly. It doesn’t hurt to manscape and groom in a way that is pleasing to your bottom. It will show him you care about what is to come in a way that sends a positive, respectful message. Also, don’t forget to grab a pleasure ring so that the fun lasts. 2. Tune into your man’s mood While you may be in the mood to top, that doesn’t mean your guy is also feeling it. The answer to this question may not reveal itself until the two of you start playing. This is why it’s important to mindfully tune into your man and determine where he is in that particular moment. For example, is he engaging in lots of kissing and foreplay? Does he seem to be touching you a lot? This is an indication that your bottom is looking for an emotional buildup before reaching its full crescendo. This is your cue to take your time and not be overly aggressive. On the other hand, if he’s eagerly desiring you to exert your power, consider it a green light to move forward with passion. 3. Verbally appreciate him Ask any bottom and they will tell you that narcissistic tops are the worst. This type of guy is the one who simply inserts, drills and says nothing during the process – taking care of his own needs without showing appreciation for the bottom. To avoid being “that guy”, it’s important to compliment your man and let him know how beautiful he is. Avoid using phrases that feminize, dehumanize or humiliate him. Hot talk can be fun and your goal should be to turn your man on – but don’t ruin the moment by getting carried away. 65