June 2016 | Page 108

• Make Exercise a Habit not a Chore : Would you wake up in the morning and head out the door without brushing your teeth ? Most likely not . Why ? Because it is a habit . It ’ s not as much a chore as it is a positive choice to ensure that your first encounter with another person is a pleasant , rather than embarrassing , one ! If your mindset is , “ Ugh . I really need to go to the gym ,” then try shifting it . Or , find another form of exercise that you do enjoy . At first , you may have to work at the mental side of things ; a new habit takes about twenty-one days to stick . Encourage yourself that inertia will kick in and that this new routine will soon be a habit . Stay consistent with the time of day you choose to work-out so that your body comes to expect it . When you reach the point where you feel deprived when you don ’ t workout , you know you are in business ! Daily exercise is a positive choice that will enhance every encounter with another person !
• Don ’ t Compare Yourself to Others : We are all different and amazing in our own way . We are also walking our own unique path and fighting our own battles . It is never a good idea to compare yourself with others . It will only lead to frustration . Your body is unique and awesome . It ’ s the only place you have to live , so be kind in the way you treat yourself and talk to yourself .
• Get Some Rest : We have all heard the advice of getting eight hours of sleep at night . While this may not always be possible , try to get as much rest as you can . Our bodies
make the best gains during rest . If you are on the fast track to getting fit and extremely goal oriented , be sure to take at least one day per week to rest . No exercise except for light walking and stretching . Your body needs a chance to repair itself .
• Set Up a Support System : Accountability and support are essential to success . Find a workout buddy . Join a support group or group fitness class . Hire a personal trainer .
108 | Eydis Magazine