June 2014, Summer Issue Vol. 3 | Page 86

Cookie Cutter

"But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 NIV

Not too long ago the Lord reminded me that I don’t have to try to be like anybody else and that it’s not healthy for me to compare myself with others. Each of us is God’s unique creation and we are not made out of a cookie cutter. In other words, we were not meant to be the same or God would have made us all the same.

I then began to think of an assembly line and the expectation that each product coming down the belt needs to be flawless. In many cases, if there is one defect in the product, it is thrown away if it is not perfect and does not meet the set standard. Aren’t we glad that God does not throw us away when the world makes us feel like we don’t measure up!? He does not give up on us or consider us unable to be used after a certain amount of “defects”. The Lord invites us to come to Him just as we are. God sees us as valuable no matter how many scars we have (inside and out), mistakes we’ve made (big and small), or how much time we’ve spent away from Him, or whatever lie that has tried to creep in and discourage you.

You are so valuable that the Lord planned to die for you before you were even born. He made a way for you to be saved before " you even knew you needed it. There is nothing that you could have done to earn it. It is His way of showing you how much He loves you.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV

God knew all the things that you would do here on this earth (good and bad) and He still chose to give His son to die for you. His love is unconditional. Can I encourage you not to let any lie keep you from Him any longer? He holds His arms open and is full of mercy and forgiveness. When we fall, He is the first hand extended towards us to help us get back up.
