June 2014 Oklahoma D-Day Newspaper Jun. 2014 | Page 21

Three terrifyingly badass WWII heroes you’ve never heard of! Re-Printed with the permission of Christopher Bedford - Managing Editor of the Daily Caller. History — and especially the time around World War II — is filled with heroics, and, Lord knows, the bookshelves are filled with tales of great men’s exploits. A quick Amazon Books search reveals 12,453 hits for Winston Churchill, 7,811 for Dwight Eisenhower, 3,735 for Douglas MacArthur and 3,526 for George Patton. But what about the millions of citizen soldiers who also served in combat? Recent history has been kind to the rank and file of WWII, with miniseries like “Band of Brothers” and “The Pacific” drawing specific attention to the men in the trenches. Still, we at The Daily Caller feel there are more than a few terrifyingly badass Allies who, while honored in their time, have been forgotten by history. From “Mad Jack” to the “Kilted Killer,” these three men distinguished themselves in bravery — and in style — in the war against the Axis, and for that TheDC salutes them. Lt. Col. John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill, or “Mad Jack” Born in Hong Kong in 1906, Churchill joined the military in 1926, but soon left to, obviously, become a professional bagpiper and represent Britain in the World Archery Championship in 1939 — two skills he would bring back with him when recalled to service as World War II broke out. Mad Jack won his first Military Cross during the British retreat to Dunkirk. It was during the retreat that he killed his first German with a longbow, using that and two machine guns until running out of ammunition and escaping to the main British force through German lines. After seeing decorated action raiding Nazi-held Norway, Churchill took over a Commando unit and joined in the storming of Salerno Bay in Italy wearing silver buttons, carrying bagpipes, and armed with a bow and arrow and a hilted Scottish sword called a claymore. “Churchill,” his 1996 obituary would read, “believed an assault leader should have a reputation which would at once demoralize the enemy and convince his own men that nothing was impossible.” “Any officer who goes into action without his sword,” he reportedly said, “is improperly dressed.” Casualties were high, and in a desperate bid he launched his troops in a screaming, nighttime attack on the Nazi lines, capturing 136 of the enemy. Churchill and a comrade then charged further ahead and, using his sword and a German hostage, captured a 42-man garrison plus a mortar and crew. On the Nazi-held Yugoslavian island of Brac, Mad Jack’s luck ran out when, as the lone unwounded man atop a hill and out of ammunition, he played “Will ye no come back again” on his pipes until a grenade knocked him unconscious and he was captured. Though Hitler had issued an order to kill captured commandos, Churchill was spared the Gestapo’s wrath by a German army captain who told him, “You are a soldier, as I am. I refuse to allow these civilian butchers to deal with you.” Later in the war, when the captain was captured, Churchill was able to save him from execution. Churchill was eventually able to escape from an Austrian prison camp, making an eight-day trek to link up with American forces. There, worried he’d missed too much of the European war, he told friends, “there are still the Nips [Japanese], aren’t there?” But Mad Jack would never fight the Japanese, arriving shortly after the two atomic bombs were dropped and lamenting, “if it hadn’t been for those damned Yanks, we could have kept the war going for another 10 years.” But the end of the Second World War would not quell Churchill’s spirit one bit: In 1945, at age 40, he qualified as a paratrooper before taking time off the following year to play an archer in the movie “Ivanhoe.” In 1948, he saw combat in Palestine during the tumultuous British handover, and while serving in Australia in the 1950s, he picked up surfing. After he retired, he took to buying, refurbishing and piloting old steam boats; motorcycle speed trials; and crafting remote-control model boats. He passed away in 1996 at the age of 89.