Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion Page 21
family and I are excited
about this transition from
CJ35 (FUOPS) into Command.
Over the last two years, we have
had the blessing of meeting many
wonderful Soldiers and Families
within the G3/5/7/9 Family.
In this capacity we hope to
meet more wonderful people and
further strengthen our bonds.
Our Soldiers here are doing a great job and as you see
further in this newsletter, we are
excelling. While we are progressing toward our end of mission everyday, I ask you to keep in touch
with Family and friends to maintain resiliency and mental acuity.
Keep us in your thoughts and
prayers; we will all be home soon
enough.—CPT Gowens
Family and friends of OPS Company
hile I’m sure we can all agree that the
nation can be proud of our Soldiers, it
can also be proud of the families and friends that
support them. The fact that wives and husbands
are raising children, paying bills, and running a
household essentially by themselves, parents and
significant others are taking the time and effort to
write and send packages, and friends are raising
toasts and remain full of obvious pride in the accomplishments and dedication of their OPS Company Soldiers, this makes you all a part of our
success as anyone here in Afghanistan. Your sacrifices and dedication are just as important and
necessary as ours to maintain the freedom and
liberty that we enjoy as Americans. I thought
It would be a nice gesture to thank you all again
for contributing to the
Soldiers of OPS Company.
CPT Gowens, Becca, Loralai, Olivia, and Casper.