Jun/Jul 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 56

56 www . AspireMAG . net | June / July 2022

You are creating a life that serves you .

themselves worthy of the gold star of traditional organizing with overly-complex systems , decluttering marathons , trying to go it alone , failing , then assuming the blame . Can we please shift the narrative away from believing you ’ re a fixer-upper ?

Here are three steps to break this unhelpful pattern .


Develop curiosity about your situation .
What else might be contributing to how the space functions ? Perhaps you ’ re setting your mail in multiple spots , causing bill payment to be late . A curious observer notices where the mail most frequently lands , then builds an action file system at that location .
Are you dealing with depression , anxiety , or AD / HD ? Do you have a traumatic brain injury ? Do you suffer from a chronic condition , limiting your energy levels ? Are you a caregiver for young kids or a loved one ?
These brain-based , physical , and situational factors will impact how you approach things , whether you fully acknowledge it or not .
Act as though you ’ re an anthropologist who is simply observing the elements of an environment – without judgment attached .


Customize expectations of yourself based on your situation .
If your vision needs correction , you don ’ t just squint harder . You get eyeglasses .
The same goes for ADHD . When laundry doesn ’ t follow the traditional sequence of washing , drying , folding , and putting it away in a drawer or closet , then simplify the process . Reduce steps as much as possible . Think outside the box ( or drawer ). Design your clothing storage system to use wall hooks or open baskets for different categories . Only hang what needs to look presentable .
Caregivers , whose days consist of responding to others ’ needs , get to bring in help to lighten their load . Housecleaners , grocery delivery , or respite care not only take care of necessary tasks , but the act of asking for assistance asserts that you ’ re allowed to make space for your own needs . Can you see how this process involves so much more than decluttering stuff ?
You are creating a life that serves you .

56 www . AspireMAG . net | June / July 2022