“Transitioning from a corporate job
to the entrepreneurial lifestyle is
not dissimilar to going on a first
date - you are full of excitement with
a little nervousness and a whole lot
of ‘I wonder where this will go’. It is all
roses until a few bumps appear in the
road when you start to question ‘Is this
for me? I’m working crazy hours, I’m
struggling to get clients, I don’t know
what I’m doing,’ and more.”
Marika Lewis
“Transitioning from the security of a full-time job to jump into self-employment was
scary to say the least. Before making the full transition, my business partner and
I worked 18-hour days to build the business on the side while continuing our ‘day’
jobs. After jumping into full-time entrepreneurship, the difference between going
to work every day and going to my office was startling. Early on I suffered from
socialization withdrawals, but quickly found ways to interact with my peers and
friends from the home office.”
JP Jones, www.collipsis.com
“The transition from Tax Lawyer
to Entrepreneur was initially
immensely challenging. Going
from being supported by a team
who’d supported my needs to
having to worry about every
aspect of a business proved to
be a real ‘shock to the system’.
However, being in full
control of my destiny and
being able to build a meaningful
business is hugely rewarding
and I don’t regret making the
change. Beyond the professional
satisfaction, I’ve also been able to
change a number of aspects in my
personal life - I’ve lost 18kg and
am much more personally happy.”
Alan Tsen
“If you love
what you
do, then
you’ll never
work a day
in your life! “
“For 5 years I had what felt like
a ‘behind the scenes’ job taking
care of clients and coworkers. For
a long time, I’ve wanted to
feel valued and noticeable in
what I do for others. It wasn’t
until last year I realized I wasn’t in
alignment with my true self and
it was time for me to shine and
share my gifts with the world!
I boldly took the leap of faith and
followed my heart. I’ve never
looked back and have been so
happy every day that I wake up
and get to do the work I love! If
you love what you do, then you’ll
never work a day in your life! “
Kali Kennison
“When I stopped working full-time in
order to fulfill my dream of having
my own pottery business, it was
not without trepidation. For a few
years we had to cut back on small
luxuries like eating out, going to
shows, and traveling. We
even ended up having to
get a roommate to help
stones to success. Make a point to stay focused
pay the mortgage for the
and know there is no push button for instant
first two years. But as my
success, nor would you want there to be. Enjoy
business grew, and my
the journey in getting there - it’s what will
customer base became
attract people and clients to you in the long
more solid, the strain began
~ Jeff Olson
run, so take that journey!”
to disappear, an