JUMP START GUIDE - CICO Weight Loss + Fitness Get Started Today! There's no catch! | Page 34

CICOWLF.com STEP 06 TIPS FOR A STRONG START Be patient with tracking. At first it takes a while to get used to but in a week or two, it’ll become second nature and take very little time to do. You can sign up for our video tutorial to see tips of how to make tracking easier. REGISTER When tracking, favor entries that use weight as the measurement. In other words, favor the entry for 100g or 3.5 ounces of blueberries over the entry for ½ cup of blueberries. When tracking, enter “raw” for most entries if you’re cooking. Then add other ingredients. In other words, choose “chicken drumstick raw with skin” over “BBQ chicken drumstick” if you’re cooking it yourself. You can add your own entries for sauce for greater accuracy.