JULY24-WSCASpotlight_REV | Page 2

2 - July - 2024 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight

Cover Availability August 2024 ................................ AVAILABLE ! September 2024 .......................... AVAILABLE ! October 2024 .............................. AVAILABLE !

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HERALD JOURNAL Publishing Attn : WSCA PO Box 129 Winsted , MN 55395 ( 320 ) 485-2535 ( metro ) Fax : ( 320 ) 485-2878 • wsca @ heraldjournal . com
JULY 2024 Contents
From the Committees WSCA Administration .................................... 3 WSCA Judges List .......................................... 4 Board Meeting Minutes ............................. 5-7 Upcoming Meetings ....................................... 8 Award Banquest Invite / RSVP ................... 9-10 Message from the Queen ............................ 11 WSCA Royalty Contest Banquet ................. 12 WSCA Judges Notice .......................................... 13 2024 Champ Show Showbill ......................... 14 2024 Champ Show General Info / Rules ... 15-18 Champ Show Sponsorships .......................... 19 2024 Champ Show Advertising & Sponsorship Agreement ........................... 20 Champ Show Vendor Agreement ................ 21
General Interest On Deck ....................................................... 14 Showbills ................................................. 25-48 $ ale Barn ....................................................... 53