July/August 2024 | Page 22

Outgoing president Dr . Richard Grossman concluded his term on Saturday , April 20 .
When I was a candidate for president-elect of the PDA I spoke about the Jesuit concept of CURA PERSONALIS , which translates from Latin “ care of the whole person ,” and suggests individualized attention to the needs of others , and distinct respect for unique circumstances and concerns .
This ideal – which is one of the founding principles of my alma mater Georgetown University – had a profound effect on my life as a dental student and has continued to add meaning to me during my professional career and my involvement in my community . Cura personalis means being constantly challenged and creating healthawareness to improve our patient ’ s well-being , and at the same time , letting that experience shape and guide our paths and commitment to a promising future in our chosen field of dentistry .
Cura personalis is using the privilege we were granted and the trust we have earned to improve the quality of life in the communities that we live in and serve . Cura personalis may seem to be just a catchy Latin phrase , but it transcends individual needs . It is a calling to become involved in organized dentistry , our chosen profession . It is something I try to consciously experience daily in my professional life , in my community involvement , and my family life . It is my hope that all of you out there feel the same … Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to serve .”
Our thanks to Dr . Kayla Klingensmith , who provided a great look at everything happening that entire weekend with her PDA Instagram Takeover . All of those PDM sights and sounds are captured in the PDM Highlight on our Instagram page .
Next year ’ s meeting is scheduled for April 25-26 , 2025 at Desmond Hotel Malvern .