July/August 2024 | Page 16

This is due to the limited number of providers who can do the dentistry and a local dental lab to help with making the appliances . Each year we talk about what we can do better and try to improve for the next year . We will continue to make this a priority each and every year . Nobody wants to go outside to the line of people waiting and tell them what we can ’ t do . We would much rather smile and tell everyone that we are happy they are here today and we will see everyone for their care that is in this line .
On Saturday morning , I had the pleasure to meet Ed , a patient that had been in line all night to get dentures . He has been edentulous for several years . He was partially disabled and used a walker . I was asked to come to Medical Triage , because they had a patient that was crying after being told they would not be able to make dentures for him because they had already reached the maximum numbers of dentures for the day . I tried to console Ed , but inside I felt horrible . I know our mission statement , but I also know what it ’ s like to ask others to do more than they are comfortable with doing . I spoke with our General Chair , Dr . Gary Davis , and with Dr . Michelle Gladstone , the doctor who was doing dentures at the Reading mission . After she examined Ed , she agreed to add one more case to her day . Ed ’ s immediate elation was infectious . He waited all day near the oral surgery / denture waiting area . He was also next to the exit . He repeatedly said thank you to everyone and continued telling everyone how great this event was . I was busy the entire day , but every time I passed by , Ed would shout out , “ Dr . Bruce , thank you , thank you .”
Around 5 p . m . I was in the middle of breaking down equipment when I heard that voice again .
“ Dr . Bruce , Dr . Bruce .” I turned around to see this man smile with his new dentures and he looked 20 years younger and livelier . He started to cry and tell me that he was so thankful and now he could go home and smile for the first time to his grandson . Later , I heard that both Dr . Davis and Dr . Gladstone had a similar hug and thank you from Ed .
So many times , I see volunteers running around , working hard and doing extraordinary work to help others . They look exhausted , sometimes frustrated , but often happy to be doing something . You see , it ’ s a community of volunteers that make all of this happen . It ’ s not just me , Dr . Davis , or any one volunteer . We all get the pull to fulfill the goal , “ Do The Most Good For The Most People .” We all know the high stakes and expectations . But when the Eds of the world smile and thank you , it reminds you why you got up at 4:30 a . m . two days in a row . Why you spent six months preparing and planning . And why it means so much to us to “ Do The Most Good For The Most People .”
P . S .
There are so many of you to thank , and I want you to all know that the MOM-n-PA Board is so appreciative of all of your efforts . Each of you is a MOM-n-PA hero . See you in Wilkes Barre , June 6-7 , 2025 !