JULY / AUGUST 2020 | Page 34

PG.32 AQHA VALE ~ SHEZA GOOD DESIGN Q-73136 Sunny with her good friend Jag Sunny obligingly humoured Jag as he climbed her tail, played in between her legs and shared her food. Using the trees and fences, Jag would jump on her back and rest there for hours. As he grew, bossy little Jag would have first dibs on Sunny’s pellets, while she waited patiently. Sunny’s laid back nature in the showring saw her happy to compete in any indoor, outdoor or new arena. She’d just lock onto the rider and get the job done. With wins in Leadline, Led Trail Classes, Jnr Youth Walk Jog Classes and Youth Halter, Sunny made a lot of Youth happy. In June 2016, at Tamworth, she was loaned for the Youth World Cup and was drawn by Team Belgium. She settled in and was shown in every class where her new riders won multiple medals with her, including in Ranch Riding, an event new to her. Sunny was a horse that you could get out of the paddock after a long break, jump on, and off you go, while at shows, she was the tidiest horse in a stable, a trait inherited from her mother. She’d often be down ready for sleep at last check but kept an ear tuned to the snap of a carrot. She’d let you know in the most polite of ways, that she was ready for breakfast or if you were too slow in getting it for her. Under the guidance of Rachel she became an excellent allrounder, competing successfully in Halter, Showmanship, HUS, HSE, Pleasure, Horsemanship, Trail, Dressage and Show Hunter across Youth, Amateur, Select Amateur & Open categories. During Q19, Sunny began to show mild lameness and was scratched from all further events. On returning home, a Vet assessment showed a split in her hind leg tendon. We decided to take the rest option over intervention and reassess in 6 months, as Rachel had another young horse of Carol’s that she could ride. Sunny wintered at Little Wranhi Agistment Centre in Swan Hill, where she received royal treatment and soon trained the owners to her needs of carrots and treats, morning and evening. AUSTRALIAN QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION - www.aqha.com.au