July/August 2020 | Page 3

UPFRONT Drink and Drugs News is published by CJ Wellings Ltd, Romney House, School Road, Ashford, Kent TN27 0LT t: 0845 299 3429 Editor: Claire Brown e: claire@cjwellings.com Advertising manager: Ian Ralph e: ian@cjwellings.com Reporter: David Gilliver e: david@cjwellings.com Designer: Jez Tucker e: jez@cjwellings.com Subscriptions: e: subs@cjwellings.com website: www.drinkanddrugsnews.com Website support by wiredupwales.com Printed on environmentally friendly paper by the Manson Group Ltd Cover by: Brain light / Alamy CJ Wellings Ltd does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers. The contents of this magazine are the copyright of CJ Wellings Ltd, but do not necessarily represent its views, or those of its partner organisations. IN THIS ISSUE ON THE COVER: The service user experience 12 Refuge from domestic abuse 6 Recovery is always possible INSIDE 4 NEWS Gambling regulation weak; a new phase of the Carol Black review 9 OUTDOOR EVENTS Advice by Kevin Flemen 10 REACHING OUT Just talk, says Forward 11 WORLD HEPATITIS DAY with the Hep C Trust 14 BILL NELLES Doctor wars, part two 18 SUPERVISED INJECTING FACILITIES – reality? 20 LETTERS Benzo trap, films, and being included 22 ZOOMING IN Wellbeing with Humankind 23 REFLECTIONS Thoughts from David Finney 24 THEY SAID WHAT..? Spotlight on the national media The right questions 16 8 STAYING STRONG IN PARTNERSHIP Find the resources to stay ahead of coronavirus from the DDN partners and community at www.drinkanddrugsnews.com We are especially grateful to our network of partners at this difficult time and thank each and every one of them for their loyal support. DDN is a self-funded independent publication. Our bespoke partnership packages provide an opportunity to work closely with the magazine. Please get in touch to find out more. ‘Service users are central to everything’ CONVERSATIONS AT THE MOMENT often come back to feelings of anxiety and isolation, so we’re pleased to be able to keep sharing the ways you’re responding positively to the COVID situation. Forward Trust are among those looking for creative ways to engage their service user community (p10), while Open Road and Humankind are also redoubling their efforts to connect with service users and make sure no one is isolated (p16 and p22). With lockdown likely to have a disproportionate effect on women (June issue, p9), we have an insight into domestic abuse support (p12), while Kevin Flemen looks out for young people in the summer party season with some targeted harm reduction advice (p9). As Bill Nelles (p14) would be the first to remind us, harm reduction must stay top of the agenda so we’re pleased to see the cross-sector mobilisation to make injecting facilities a reality (p18) and to support the call for redoubled efforts on eliminating hepatitis C (p11) as World Hepatitis Day approaches on 28 July. As one of our letter-writers points out (p20) service user involvement should be central to everything we do, so we hope you get involved with the two initiatives from the research team (p6) and PHE (p8) to bring lived experience to the heart of informing treatment. Claire Brown, editor Keep in touch at www.drinkanddrugsnews.com and @DDNmagazine WWW.DRINKANDDRUGSNEWS.COM JULY/AUGUST 2020 • DRINK AND DRUGS NEWS • 3