JULY/AUG 2021 BAR BULLETIN July | August 2021 | Page 22

YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION PBCBA ' s YLS Happy Hour at Copper Blues
YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION PBCBA ' s YLS Happy Hour at Copper Blues
On June 17 , 2021 , the Palm Beach County Bar Association ’ s YLS Members attended the second inperson happy hour event this year at Copper Blues in downtown West Palm Beach . Members enjoyed networking with fellow attorneys and interacting with judges , as well as great food and drinks . There were summer law clerks and interns in attendance who enjoyed their time with our YLS Members and members of the judiciary . For more information on future YLS happy hour events , please visit www . palmbeachbar . org / calendar or the YLS page available at www . palmbeachbar . org / young-lawyers-section /.