JULY '23 - Pawsitively Pets to publish online | Page 11

Performing the Heimlich Maneuver on Dogs


Performing the Heimlich Maneuver on Dogs

Many of us have learned how to use the Heimlich Maneuver to help a choking person . But what if it was your dog ? Would you know what to do ? The Heimlich Maneuver is not reserved for people . You can also perform it on dogs in emergency situations . Of course , you ' d want to get your dog to the veterinarian ' s office or clinic , but sometimes there isn ' t enough time and you need to act immediately to save your dog ' s life . Ideally , have a vet on the phone to help walk you through the process . What you need to not do is panic . Access the situation quickly to determine what is really going on . Signs your dog might be choking include your pet ' s gasping , struggling to breathe , gagging , acting frantic , and pawing at his or her face or rubbing it on the floor . Your next step is to see if you can remove the object in your dog ' s mouth . Restrain your pet ' s head and gently pull his tongue forward . Try sweeping the object out of his throat with your fingers , being careful not to push it further into the airway . If you are unable to remove the object , it ' s time to begin using the Heimlich Maneuver . For large dogs : Stand behind or lift your dog until her spine is against your chest . Wrap your arms around your pet in the soft spot under the ribs , just like you would do with a person . Make a fist with one hand and cup your other hand around your fist . Do five quick thrusts into the pup ' s belly ( under the ribs ), and thrust your fist into the belly and up toward the ribs . If this maneuver does not result in dislodging the object , try giving five sharp blows to your dog ' s back , right between the shoulder blades . Periodically check to see if the object has become dislodged enough for you to remove it with your fingers , and if not , repeat the process until it is . You can also try lifting your dog ' s hind legs in the air , like a wheelbarrow , to encourage the object to slide forward . If your large dog is lying down on their side and cannot be lifted up against your chest , place your hand on the dog ’ s back while using the other hand to squeeze the abdomen in and upward . Again , be sure to check the mouth to see if the object is dislodged enough to grab with your fingers . If your dog has attempted to swallow a large object , such as a ball or toy , press your thumbs underneath both sides of your dog ’ s jaw near the base of the throat and press upwards . This will hopefully dislodge it .
There are several methods for small dogs : 1 ) Pick him up and hold him with his back to your front . Find the soft spot on his abdomen under the ribs . Using the thumb side of your fist , gently thrust inwards and upwards . 2 ) Lay your pup on her back . Find the soft spot on the abdomen under the ribs . Using the heel of your hand , gently press inwards and upwards . In addition to these maneuvers , you can also try suspending your dog by the hips / thighs and carefully swing your dog from side to side . Check the mouth to see if the object is dislodged enough to grab with your fingers .
Remember that your dog is scared , and a scared dog may be anxious and even bite as you attempt to help him . If he is still not breathing after performing the maneuvers , try administering CPR rescue breaths . If none of these options work and your dog is still in distress or unconscious , get your pet to the vet ASAP ! Even if you are successful in dislodging the object and your dog appears to be okay , follow up with your veterinarian to make sure there are no subsequent injuries to the throat or stomach .
A choking dog is a terrifying experience for both the pet and the owner . Knowing how to respond to such an emergency can save your best friend ' s life , but prevention is also key to keeping her safe . Make sure the kibble and treats you feed your dog are size-appropriate . Dog toys can also be choke hazards , especially if your pet has chewed them up into smaller pieces . Discard all broken pieces immediately ! Rawhides are another huge choking risk . Take them away when they become too small . Better yet , find a safe alternative . Don ' t give edible chew treats to your pet unsupervised .
There are many good videos online that illustrate the proper way to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on your dog . Log on to the following for a helpful tutorial : youtube . com / Pet First Aid : How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver on Choking Dogs .
Pawsitively Pets -- July