July 2024 | Page 5

Official Publication of the
July 2024 | Volume 37 , Number 7
7100 E . Belleview Ave . Suite 305 Greenwood Village , CO 80111 ( 303 ) 329-3300
PUBLISHER Mark Williams
Design & Production Christopher Dean
Amber Song
Olivia Velasco
COMMUNICATION CHAIRS Jennifer Henderson , Shea Properties
Sabrina Taylor , Gables Residential
Parke Pettegrew
Jake Roth
Victor Sanchez
Alyssa Schmitt
Ashley Tyndall
Annie Williams



20 22


Board Perspective
Navigating Turbulence & Cruising Towards Friendlier Skies
Event Recap
Apartments Giving Back Day
2024-2025 President Parke Pettegrew
8 Steps to a Content Oasis
Leading Diverse Teams Important in Today ' s America
Apartment Advocate
Legislative Trends in Algorithms and A . I .
Supplier Buyer ' s Guide
AAMD Supplier Partner Members as of June 25
2 Golf Tournament 4 Leadership 7 The AAMD Tailgater 9 Snapshots 12 Education 36 New Members 36 Advertisers 37 Clay Shoot Classic
Cover image by Victor Sanchez
ADVERTISING Please call 303.329.3300 for more information about advertising in Trends . Deadline for contracts and artwork are the first Monday of the month prior to publication .
7100 E . Belleview Ave ., Suite 305 | Greenwood Village , CO 80111
Article Submission Trends will consider printing any
article written by an AAMD member
that applies to the Denver multifamily
industry , is 300-500 words , does not
promote any single company or product .
AAMD reserves the right to edit any
article without notification .
Due to space , not all articles submitted
will be printed .
MEMBER WEBSITE www . aamdhq . org
FACEBOOK facebook . com / aamdhq 2,739 Followers
X ( Twitter ) @ aamdhq 1,239 Followers
INSTAGRAM @ aamdhq 1,635 Followers
LINKEDIN @ aamdhq 3,110 Followers
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Mark Williams | mwilliams @ aamdhq . org
SR VP OF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Drew Hamrick | drew @ aamdhq . org
DIRECTOR OF EVENTS & EDUCATION Annie Williams | annie @ aamdhq . org
GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS MANAGER Destiny Bossert | destiny @ aamdhq . org
Apartment Trends ( USPS 018-233 ) is published 11 times a year ( monthly except for the combined November / December issue ) by The Apartment Association of Metro Denver , 7100 E . Belleview Ave ., Suite 305 , Greenwood Village , CO 80111 . Periodicals Postage Paid at Englewood , CO and additional offices . POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Apartment Trends c / o The Apartment Association of Metro Denver , 7100 E . Belleview Ave ., Suite 305 , Greenwood Village , CO 80111 . Subscription included in membership dues . Apartment Trends is published as a service to its members and all segments of the apartment industry by The Apartment Association of Metro Denver . Any reproduction or copying in whole or in part , without permission , is prohibited . Articles and events herein do not necessarily have the endorsement of AAMD but may be presented to give readers a diversity of views and activity updates . 7100 E . Belleview Ave ., Suite 305 , Greenwood Village , CO 80111 , Phone ( 303 ) 329-3300 , Fax ( 303 ) 329-0403 , E-mail : info @ aamdhq . org , Web : www . aamdhq . org . AAMD is a tax-exempt professional trade association representing the multifamily housing industry in the metropolitan Denver area . AAMD is affiliated with The Colorado Apartment Association ( www . caahq . org ) and The National Apartment Association ( www . naahq . org ).
VP OF MEMBER SERVICES & BUSINESS DEV ' T Julie Evans-Schmitt | julie @ aamdhq . org
VP OF COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING Christopher Dean | cdean @ aamdhq . org
VP OF EVENTS & EDUCATION Lisa Godbehere | lisa @ aamdhq . org
DIRECTOR OF ACCOUNTING Earlease Alexander | ealexander @ aamdhq . org
OFFICE MANAGER Tania Byrne | tania @ aamdhq . org
MEMBER SERVICES MANAGER Jake Roth | jake @ aamdhq . org
EVENTS & EDUCATION MANAGER Alyssa Schmitt | alyssa @ aamdhq . org
GRAPHIC DESIGNER Amber Song | asong @ aamdhq . org www . aamdhq . org JULY 2024 TRENDS | 3