NAA Responds to Biden ' s Landlord Rhetoric
bill will have a significant influence on housing providers , particularly in areas such as revenue management , resident screening and other operational systems that utilize algorithms .
Two Rhode Island bills , House Bill 7304 and Senate Bill 2892 , represent a growing trend in algorithmic prohibitions . These bills would prohibit the use of algorithms and digital technologies in residential rent-setting . They would enforce anti-trust law violations for any housing provider found to be reducing competition through algorithmic systems . Both bills have been recommended for further study by the respective committees of jurisdiction .
Several other states had proposed taking action on algorithmic systems in rental housing but were not successful in moving proposed legislation forward in their respective legislative sessions . Colorado bill ( HB 24-1057 ), which attempted to prohibit housing providers from using algorithmic services for revenue management purposes , failed to achieve final passage .
New Hampshire bill ( HB 1368 ) aimed to deter the use of revenue management systems by invalidating any eviction filings based on failure to pay rent . Specifically , the bill targets filings where revenue management software was used to set a rent increase . The bill was declared “ Inexpedient to Legislate ,” ensuring it would not advance through the legislative process .
Another state-level approach that has failed to pass thus far is California bill AB 2930 , which would have prohibited certain practices that could have resulted in reduced competition in the rental housing market . However , the second hearing for this bill has been canceled at the request of the author .
NAA ' s Outlook
In an election year , the growing trends in legislation regulating AI-based tech at both federal and state levels highlight the significance of this matter to voters , and the potential impacts on housing providers .
NAA continues its federal advocacy to educate members of Congress and regulators on the legitimate business reasons for using algorithm-based or AI technology throughout the leasing process and tenancy . These tools offer benefits to housing providers and residents alike , driving optimization and modernization of historic practices forward and maximizing operational efficiency . These efficiencies directly benefit residents and rental communities .
NAA thanks its affiliate partners for their tireless advocacy efforts to protect the industry from overregulation . NAA continues its work to support its affiliates ’ state and local advocacy through research , insights and advocacy campaign grants through NAA ’ s Housing Affordability Program .
In Colorado , HB24-1051 ( Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting ) was introduced early on in the legislative session and ultimately ended up dying in the final weeks .
As introduced , the bill prohibited the use of all third-party pricing models and all comparative data in rental pricing decisions .
CAA was able to force amendments in the Senate to protect all third-party pricing products and the use of all market information .
The proponents refused to compromise and the bill ultimately died due to conflicts between House and Senate versions of the bill .
NAA Responds to Biden ' s Landlord Rhetoric
From day one , the National Apartment Association ( NAA ) and the rental housing industry as a whole have been faithful and willing partners for the Biden Administration . As federal policymakers have contemplated the future of housing policy – largely aligning with the President ’ s campaign promises – NAA has time and time again come to the table with real policy solutions for the country ’ s longstanding affordability challenges .
In response to President Biden ’ s continued rhetoric about landlords on the campaign trail , NAA issued the following statement :
" Since day one , the rental housing industry has been a faithful and willing partner for this administration . President Biden knows that fair housing laws are a cornerstone of rental housing operations – NAA , our more than 96,000 members and the industry as a whole are built around people , not buildings . Time and time again , NAA has come to the table with real , tangible solutions to address the nation ’ s housing challenges . It ’ s far past time to remove politics from housing and help America ’ s renters .”
Politics has no place in housing and it ’ s far past time for policymakers to act on housing . Over the coming months , NAA will continue to stand up for housing providers on the campaign trail and remains committed to pursuing sustainable policies to revitalize programs that address renter financial instability in the short term and improve affordability long term ." www . aamdhq . org JULY 2024 TRENDS | 29