The AAMD Apartments Giving Back Day ( also known as Spring Clean ) took place on Friday , May 31st benefitting Family HomeStead and Warren Village across four sites . More than 175 volunteers showed up to turn units , paint , pull weeds , spread mulch , repair fencing , assist in bulk junk removal , and more . Ashley Lewis , event co-chair and Regional Manager at Camden , had her group of volunteers at Family HomeStead ’ s “ Parkside ” location , while her co-chair Brett Frank , Community Director at Centerspace , led the charge at Family HomeStead ’ s “ Park Ogden ” location .
The larger projects were left to the professionals …
Jacob with Savvy Multifamily sent a crew out to Family HomeStead ’ s “ Zephyr ” location to reinforce the back deck , add a secure stairwell , a task that had been on the “ wish list ” for years . Savvy Multifamily also increased the overall safety of the property by replacing lights , hand railings , and more .
Grafton with CAMP Facility Services was called out to look at porch that had continued to cause problems at the FHS “ Park Ogden ” location , and ended up removing the roof , assisting in unit turns , and replacing several cabinets . If that wasn ’ t enough , he called back to say “ I have all these leftover blinds and materials , they ’ re yours if you want them ,” and CAMP graciously donated a generous pile of materials to Family HomeStead to use as needed .
When we learned that a custom size metal security door was needed at Family HomeStead ’ s main office , we knew there was only one person to call . Tonya sent her team out to look at the needs and get measurements , and not only ended up providing them with the secure door they needed , but replaced furnace exhaust cages as well .
What do these companies have in common ? They all provided these services free of charge . While these examples are three of many , this day would not be possible without time and resources given by our amazing members .
To everyone who gave back through providing products , services , resources , sponsorship dollars , time , and volunteers , THANK YOU !
14 | TRENDS JULY 2024 www . aamdhq . org