-- One is the Loneliest Number --
If you ’ ve been reading this column , you know that the bookshop was “ gifted ” three baby kittens , abandoned in a box on a frosty morning . Just between 6 and 7 weeks old , they were old enough to eat , but hadn ’ t seen food yet . Now , the kittens are 3 months old ! They are happy , healthy , and about 4 times the size they were when they were screaming for their mother in a cardboard box .
One kitten has secured a home with another young cat where the owner is there most of the time . There is also a German Shepherd in that house , but our little lady has always been a bit of a spitfire and will hold her own . Bravo , little one !
That leaves two sweet boys here at the shop . Recently , someone who stopped by stated that they might like to adopt one of them . But this is a house where the person is out much of the time and there are no other animals . It didn ’ t happen , and I am relieved that a sweet , active cat is not headed to a lonely post .
Many people think of cats as solitary creatures . They are not . In the wild , they group together in colonies . The big cats ’ groups are generally called prides . So , what happens to a kitten alone ? It ’ s called “ lonely kitten syndrome .” And it looks like what many people thought that cats looked like in a house . They are not social , but afraid of anyone not from the household . They hide and often bite people . They are destructive , tearing up furniture , not using their litterbox . As adults , they tend to be overweight . They are bored , without friends and a social structure beyond what time a human will spend with them , which can decrease as the cat gets a little older and is less social .
The solution ?? Always two . Our black and white cat , Jasper , was a cat that was alone and lonely . His person loved him , but she worked 12-16 hours a day , then slept 6-8 . He hid , bit , and was afraid of everything . When she allowed him to join Hector , his life changed . He had a companion , a cat to play with , to wrestle and play the rough games that cats love . Jasper still bites a bit - he was a cat alone for several years and was declawed , which increases that behavior . But he now greets strangers happily . He and Hector may not always be right next to each other , but trust me , they both know where the other is located . Most often if they are resting , they are within three feet of each other , and cat life is good .
So please , if you choose to adopt a kitten , make sure they have friends . The very best way to do that is to adopt two kittens from the same litter . That increases the joy , the play , the exercise , and the security for them . The workload is not doubled . Two cats do not need twice as much space or twice as much time from you . The biggest increase is the love and contentment that lives in your home .
Our two littlest boys still need a home ! If interested in two happy , healthy guys please contact Precise for Paws on their Facebook page or call 570-660-8639 .
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , Writer , & Owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .
Hours : Thursday & Friday 10-6 , Saturday 10-3 , or by appt .
“ Where yesterday ’ s books are today ’ s treasures .”
LibertyBookShop @ comcast . net www . thelibertybookshop . com
Pawsitively Pets -- July 5