July 2024 GOOD NEWS | Page 41

Ask Greta

Dear Greta ,
My husband recently came home and dropped a real bombshell on the family . It seems he ' s been faced with either accepting a transfer to another state or he ' ll be laid off . The transfer package is quite attractive and we won ' t lose anything by taking it . In fact , it would probably be a financial advantage to do so . The problem is , our children are teenagers , and they do not want to move . They are determined to make the decision hell for us . I have to admit that I also have my doubts . It ' s going to be very difficult to leave everything we know and try to establish a new life . I ' m willing to do this , though , because I know how vital this is for my husband . We also have to be careful about our medical and pension benefits . What do we do about the kids ? Should we take them to explore the new town before actually going ahead with the decision to move , or should we simply tell them this is it and they have to go ? My husband is all for the latter solution , but I ' m not so sure . I hate for them to feel forced into it , even though they really will have no choice . What do you suggest ?
- In a Quandary
Dear In A Quandary ,
You ' re a wise mom , indeed . Children often rebel because they feel absolutely powerless in the decision-making process of a family . Yes , you seem to have made your decision , but don ' t let on just yet . Bring them on a tour of the new town , especially the schools and activities they ' ll be involved in . Try to arrange for them to meet other kids in the area , My guess is they ' ll be resistant at first , but eventually do well . This will take time , though . Encourage them to keep in touch with their current friends via phone and social media , or possibly visits , if you live close enough . This should help ease the transition for them . Good luck !
Mail your questions to Greta at : “ Good News ” P . O . Box 99 , Avis PA 17721 , or email them to : goodnews @ kcnet . org .

Thought For The Day

“ Kindness is loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness ." - Andy Stanley

Silly Snapshots

See something that tickles your funny bone ? Email your picture to : bearcountrygoodnews @ gmail . com .
Keep it clean , please ! Be sure to include your name , address , and phone number in email .
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