For those of you curious about joining the YMG , our goal is to connect entry-level and emerging engineers in New Hampshire to the larger ASCE network . We will typically meet once a month to network , volunteer , or just have some fun . The locations and events vary so please join our email list to receive more information . You do not need to commit to attending every meeting , you will receive email reminders and can attend events as you wish .
Our August event is sure to be our best yet ! Please join us in a night at the Fisher Cats game on Friday August 23 rd from 6-9pm ! This is a joint event with SENH where we are both the nonprofit of the game and will be recognized pregame . If you are interested in attending the August event or wish to be added to our contact list to receive updates on future events please reach out to George Smith at gsmith @ hardestyhanover . com . Members use this link and email George to receive the access code : ASCE & SENH Member Link ( fevo-enterprise . com ) we also encourage members to bring friends and family , and non-members can use this link : ASCE & SENH ( fevo-enterprise . com ). We look forward to a great turnout and fun night at the game !
August YMG Social
Fisher Cats Game Delta Dental Stadium August 23 rd 6:00pm – 9:00pm
If you have any questions or wish to be added to the contact list , please reach out to George Smith at gsmith @ hardestyhanover . com