July 2022 | Page 42


Actinic keratoses ( solar keratoses )

Actinic keratoses ( also called solar keratoses ) are dry scaly patches of skin that have been damaged by the sun .
The patches are not usually serious . But there ’ s a small chance they could become skin cancer , so it ’ s important to avoid further damage to your skin .
Check if you have actinic keratoses
The patches : # can feel dry , rough and scaly , or like sandpaper # are usually between 1cm to 2cm in size # can be the same colour as your skin or range from pink to red to brown # may feel itchy
The patches usually appear on areas of your body that are often exposed to the sun , such as your face , hands and arms , ears , scalp and legs .
See a doctor if : # this is the first time you have noticed patches on your skin # the patches begin to bleed , get bigger , change colour , feel tender or develop into a lump
It ’ s important to get these skin changes checked , in case they could be caused by something more serious , such as skin cancer .
Treatment for actinic keratoses
If you only have one skin patch , a GP might suggest waiting to see if the patch goes away by itself .
If you have more than one patch , or a patch is causing you problems such as pain and itchiness , treatment is usually recommended . A GP may refer you to a skin specialist ( dermatologist ).
Treatments for actinic keratoses include : # prescription creams and gels # freezing the patches ( cryotherapy ), this makes the patches turn into blisters and fall off after a few weeks # surgery to cut out or scrape away the patches – you will be given a local anaesthetic first , so it does not hurt
# photodynamic therapy ( PDT ), where special cream is applied to the patches and a light is shone onto them to kill abnormal skin cells
Things you can do to help
If you have actinic keratoses it ’ s important to avoid any further sun damage . This will stop you getting more skin patches and will lower your chance of getting skin cancer .
# use sunscreen with a sun protection factor ( SPF ) of at least 30 before going out into the sun and reapply regularly
# wear a hat and clothing that fully covers your legs and arms when you ' re out in the sunlight
# do not use sunlamps or sunbeds as these can also cause skin damage
# do not go into the sun between 11am and 3pm – this is when the sun is at its strongest
Consider taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day if you always cover up outdoors . This is because you may not get enough vitamin D from sunlight .