July 2021 | Page 27


CHEF TAI ’ S Grilled Salmon with Green Pea Risotto

Onward and upward

Undaunted by the past year ’ s challenges , Chef Tai replaced the space that was once Veritas with a new restaurant , Sôlt . The reimagined space is more casual , and its menu is crafted in the same spirit , with a plentiful offering of comfort food , Chef Tai-style . Chef Tai is also in the process of bottling some of his popular sauces for retail sales , including the sweet and spicy chili sauce that is served with the sushi roll , tartare , and calamari ; the miso marinade that is paired with miso cod , seabass , and salmon and is the basis for the miso demi , miso mustard , and zest miso dressing ; and the balsamic red wine glaze that is drizzled on salad and as a plate garnish . " These are now on their initial production for lab testing and initial field testing at our restaurants ," Chef Tai says .
The community ’ s response to the new ventures have been positive , and so is his attitude . After what he acknowledges has been a stressful year , he is looking forward . He says , “ Right now , my main goal is for me to enjoy what I do .” IN

from Sôlt Restaurant

Lemon Butter

• 4 oz butter , softened
• Juice and zest of 1 lemon
• Half a bunch of parsley , roughly chopped
Place the butter , zest and juice and parsley in a food processor and combine . Wrap in parchment paper , roll into a cylinder shape , and chill until needed .

Mushroom Topping

• 4 oz of brown Beech Mushroom
• 1 tbsp cooking oil
• Salt and pepper to taste
Pre-heat the sauté pan , pour cooking oil into the pan , and add the mushrooms . Sauté until mushroom softens and browns . Add salt and pepper to taste and set aside until ready to place on top of salmon .

Grilled Salmon

• 2 oz butter
• 6 oz frozen peas , thawed
• 2 small shallots , finely chopped
• 7 oz Arborio Rice
• 3 fl oz white wine
• 34 fl oz chicken stock
Serving for 4
• 4 oz Parmesan cheese , shredded
• 4 salmon fillets with the skin on
• Salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp of cooking oil
• Lemon butter to serve on top of salmon Mushroom topping for garnish
• Parmesan cheese , thinly shaved for garnish
Melt a third of the butter and the thawed out peas . Cook for 2 minutes until cooked , add a ladle of stock to the pea mixture .
Put on the lid and bring to the boil . Add the pea mixture into a blender and purée .
Melt the remaining butter in a pan . Add the shallot and cook for 1 minute but don ’ t let it brown . Add the rice and stir to coat with the butter . Add the white wine and cook until it has almost fully evaporated .
Slowly start adding ladles of the stock , one at a time , allowing the stock to be fully absorbed into the rice before adding the next . Stir continuously until the rice is cooked , about 20 minutes .
Finish with the Parmesan and pea purée , and season again . Set aside until needed . Season the salmon on both sides with salt . Pre-heat grill on high flame .
Coat the salmon with oil and add the salmon fillets , skin-side down , and cook for 4 minutes , then flip over and give them one minute more .
Plate risotto on the plate and place the salmon on top with a slice of lemon butter on top . Garnish with sauteed mushroom toppings and shaved parmesan .
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