July 2020 | Page 67

POL 315 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MARXISM 5.0 SUMMARY Socialism before Marx remained largely a vision; Utopians criticised capitalist society as unjust. Utopians had vision of a better order of society and gave it form, color and proclaimed it far and wide. For utopians socialism was based on reason and justice and they appealed first to the rulers to embrace the truth of socialism and put it into practice. They were the first to expose and condemn capitalism and had vision of socialism as the alternative to capitalism but could not show concrete ways to achieve socialism; because they had no conception of the laws of social change and could not point to the real force capable of creating a new society. SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISE i. Identify the basic characteristics of utopian socialism. ii. Utopian socialism is dead. Discuss. 6.0 TUTOR-MARKED ASSIGNMENT 1. Identify the basic differences between utopian and scientific socialism. 2. Discuss factors that account for the failure of all utopian experiments. 7.0 REFERENCES/FURTHER READING Asirvatham, E. & Misra, K. (2005). Political Theory. New Delhi : S. Chand and Co. Ltd. Glenst, J. B. (1971). Revolutions of our Time: 20 th Century Nationalism. Gutersloh: Mondruc Reinhard Mohn. Haralambos & Holborn. (2004). Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. London: Harper Collins Publishers Ltd. Olson, M. (1982). The Rise and Decline of Nations. New Haven. 55