July 2020 | Page 32

POL 315 MODULE 1 goods, independently. They are, therefore, dependent- for their livelihood, on the capitalists and the wages they offer. 5.0 SUMMARY Marx identified the western society as being made up of epochs and each with its class antagonism. Classes create conflict and change. The history of all known societies is the history of the struggle of classes; and it is the dynamic of change and progress in society. SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISE i. Identify the basic characteristics of the capitalist epoch. ii. What does communalism have in common with communism? 6.0 TUTOR-MARKED ASSIGNMENT 1. Identify the drawbacks in feudalism. 2. Communism is an idealistic stage. Discuss. 7.0 REFERENCES/FURTHER READING Anifowose, R. & Enemuo, F. (Eds.). (2008). Elements of Lagos: Sam Iroanusi Publications. Politics. Appadorai, M.A.(1974). The Substance of Politics. (11th ed. ). Madras : Oxford University Press. Darendorf, R. (1959). Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. Stanford University Press. Haralambos, & Holborn. (2004). Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. London: Harper Collins Publishers Ltd. Kolakowski, L.( 1976). Main Currents of Marxism. Oxford University Press. Screpanti, E, & Zamanga, S. (1993). An Outline of the History of Economic Thought. Weber,E. ( 1979). Peasants into Frenchmen. London. 20