July 2020 Final | Page 44

ment to see how this company is dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, and whether they can arrange for technical due diligence despite na- tional and local obstacles. www.AmericanSecurityToday.com July 2020 - Edition 46 Another option is to bring in a third-party evaluator, , legal counsel, and technical experts, and dele- gate this task elsewhere. Whichever course you choose, be sure to set expectations early on during the process, to ensure that all involved parties are aligned with your overall goals and finan- cial objectives. About the Author Limor Maayan-Wainstein is a se- nior technical writer at Cybereason, and an experience writer on the top- ics of cybersecurity, big data, cloud computing, web development, , and more. She is the winner of the STC Cross-Eu- ropean Technical Communication Award (2008) and a regular contribu tor to technology publications. Limor Maayan-Wainstein Limor has been working in the hi- tech industry as a technical writer and editor for over 13 years, , and has authored and edited highly tech- nical software documentation and dev guides in the areas of comput- er/network security, middleware, mobile development ent and APIs. She specializes in wiki editing and design, , has done HTML and web-au- thoring, , and is familiar with REST, Java, .NET, Spring Framework, XML schemas, databases (MySQL in particular), SQL, JDBC, network- ing, middleware and distributed computing, , and Android. 44