www.AmericanSecurityToday.com July 2019 - Edition 46
On February 9th, 2017 Presidential Donald J. Trump signed Executive Order 13773 on
Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Pre-
venting International Trafficking.
In August 2019,
Attorney Gen-
eral Barr created the JTFV
to carry out the recommendations
of the MS-13 subcommit-
tee formed under the Attorney
General’s Transnational Orga-
nized Crime Task Force, , which
was the result of President
Trump’s February 2017 Execu-
tive Order.
Executive Order 13773 – En-
forcing Federal Law With
Respect to Transnational
Criminal Organizations and
Trafficking, , directs the Depart-
ments of Justice, State, and
Homeland Security, and the Of-
fice of the Director of National
Intelligence to coordinate a