www.AmericanSecurityToday.com July 2019 - Edition 46
• Setting or resetting expectations
early on can have a huge impact
on how smoothly evaluations
• In these expectations, you need
to make clear where limitations
lie and what can be provided as
an alternative.
• For example, potential sellers
should be upfront about any in-
formation, systems, locations, or
people that are currently inacces-
sible and why.
• For those that aren’t available,
making best efforts to describe or
outline the purpose, impact, and
responsibility of those assets may
• be a suitable stand-in.
• For investors, clarifying what
measures are needed to account
for limited access is key.
• This may mean requiring additional
warranties, escrows, or in-
demnifications against fraud.
• It may also mean putting in clauses
that require additional evalua-
tions post-restrictions.
• Or, it might mean performing
more thorough investigations of
available assets as a partial substitute
for those that aren’t acces-
Consider bringing in third-party