www.AmericanSecurityToday.com July 2020 - Edition 46
This article, by Limor Maayan-Wainstein, a senior technical writer at Cybereason reviews the
most critical challenges impeding the performance of technical due diligence during the
COVID-19 crisis, and offers possible solutions.
Securing the Future: Technical Due
Diligence in the Age of COVID-19
Guest OpEd by Limor Maayan-Wainstein
Technical due diligence is performed
for the purpose of evaluating
the viability, sustainability,
and profitability of a company’s
technical posture.
While typical due diligence for investors
focuses on financial aspects,
technical due diligence evaluates
technical factors, like architecture
and software licensing, as well as
human resources and development
A technical evaluation of companies
is critical for assessing risks, especially
when you’re shopping for
Unfortunately, performing technical