enforcement and augment other
intelligence they may have gathered.”
www.AmericanSecurityToday.com July 2019 - Edition 46
Privacy advocates have long argued
that technology like ALPR
is itself dangerous because it has
the potential to violate individual
However, Chigos says that the
clear efficacy of the technology in
saving lives must be considered
when making such arguments.
“Fortunately, we will never know
how many lives the Mt. Lebanon
Police Department saved by using
our technology,” he said.
“Whether it was one or 1000,
what’s important is that the technology
clearly stopped another
senseless tragedy from occurring.”
“The life-saving nature of ALPR
and vehicle recognition can no
longer be denied.”
(See a brief introduction and demonstration of PlateSmart ARES Automatic License Plate
Recognition software solution. Courtesy of PlateSmart Technologies and YouTube.)