out as many [expletives] as I can
before I get gunned down,” according
to Whitehall Borough
Police, who assisted in the case.
tting “gunned down.”
www.AmericanSecurityToday.com July 2020 - Edition 46
News website Wonkette reported
that on May 31, he made threats
on YouTube against Black Lives
Matters protesters in Pittsburgh.
Department (MLPD) of Cofano’s
vehicle and location.
Authorities made a traffic stop, and
during Cofano’s arrest, the MLPD
found 30 improvised bombs in
his vehicle along with numerous
weapons, homemade detonators
and chemicals used in making
In response, the Whitehall Borough
Police Department issued a
be-on-the-lookout (BOLO) bul
letin for lonewolf
Cofano’s Mercedes-Benz.
PlateSmart founder and CEO
John Chigos, an industry expert
who established PlateSmart in
On June 9th, the
PlateSmart automatic
plate recognition
vehicle recognition
alerted the Mt.
Lebanon Police