July 2019 AST Magazine AST July 2019 Magazine | Page 13
platform uses high-interaction decep-
tion to capture all attack activity, includ-
ing TTPs and IOCs and can show time-
lapsed attack replays. forensic artifacts are July
in a clear,
2019 - Edition 35
concise, indexable manner that respond-
ers and analysts will recognize and can
take action on.
The Attivo Networks ThreatDe-
fend takes deception even further
and into the area of active defense,
which incorporates automated attack
analysis, forensics, and native inte-
grations for accelerated incident re-
sponse. Extensive native 3rd-party integra-
tions accelerate incident response with
automated blocking, isolation, and
threat hunting for additional compro-
mised systems.
With the Informer solution, attacker activi-
ty is consolidated into a single dashboard
that provides an accurate chronological
session view of all attacker activity and
Attivo provides additional intrusion
detection and counterintelligence ca-
pabilities through DecoyDocs, decep-
tive data loss tracking (DLT) documents
that generate detection and geolocation
alerts when stolen and opened.
(See how Attivo Networks ThreatOps Platform works hand-in-hand with the BOTsink engage-
ment server for in-network threat detection, attack analysis, and incident response acceleration.)