will continue to increase to about 2.50-2.60
volts per cell, until the charge terminates au-
tomatically. If the voltage does not increase or
initially increases and then decreases, the issue
could be with your charger.
If you discover that your charger is not work-
ing properly, your batteries may still be good.
Flooded lead-acid batteries can many times be
brought back to full capacity with a full charge.
If you need to purchase a new charger, pur-
chase a programmable charger with a selection
of multiple charge algorithms. Different deep
cycle batteries require different charge crite-
ria to deliver optimum performance. Relying
on the battery manufacturer’s recommended
charging procedure will optimize battery per-
formance and ensure that your warranty re-
mains valid.
We have compiled all of The Wacky World of Golf
Cars articles in a book format! Get your today at
The Owner of WHEELZ Custom Carts & Acces-
sories, Julie Wilson was one of the industry’s
first on-line retailers of golf car products. Her
eCommerce store, www.WHEELZLLC.com, has
been serving golf car owners since 2008 and the
store remains a popular on-line shopping ex-
perience for golf car owners who want to take
their golf cars to the next level.
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