able hunting days when the migration begins,
Hunting season can be long, exhausting
but a lack of practice can bring on some pretty
the mind and body! When the season is over,
miserable ones too!
it’s hard to stay motivated. Most of
As the migration ends, the
us start thinking about vacations,
weather always changes. Flowers
trips to the beach, and weekends
start blooming, everything begins
spent out on the lake fishing with
to turn green, and the temperature
friends and family. It is very imporis always on the rise. Living in the
tant that we do not forget our huntSouth, we have to deal with humiding retrievers are a part of our
ity. Sometimes it can be so thick,
hunting team too! Just because the
by Brandon Maskew
The Chocolate Paws
you honestly believe it can be cut
season is over does not mean we
with a knife. Making sure your reshould forget about them. They still
triever has plenty of water is CRUCIAL! Hydraneed and deserve our attention. Spring and
tion is very important, but even more so during
summertime dog training can lead to enjoy-
July 2016