July 2016 Magazine | Page 30

yourself by giving yourself the space and freedom to feel what you feel and those feelings are guideposts for you in your life. SAY THANK YOU! And say it again. Say it all day long. Shout it from the rooftops. Every single movement you make, every breath you take, and every clear thought you have, are things to be grateful for. We so often don’t realize what we have unless it’s taken from us. Don’t wait for that. STOP HIDING. Stop playing small. Stop thinking that you aren’t good enough to show up in this world. You were born and that is reason enough to stand out. That is reason enough to hold your head up high. Remaining tightly in your bud robs the world (me and you) of the beautiful gifts you’ve been brought here to share. The world needs you. I need you. There are only so many tomorrows. SMILE MORE! LAUGH MORE! BE SILLY! Eat ice cream for breakfast, roll down a lush green hill, stay up till dawn laughing with your girlfriends, buy those ridiculously priced shoes that you really do love, and eat on your fine china every day! GO AFTER YOUR DREAM. I mean your real dream. The one that ke eps you up at night. The one that you most likely think you have no chance of achieving but nags at you consistently because it is your true passion. Yes, that one. Don’t spend your entire life making excuses as to why you can’t. Just do it. Your soul will thank you for it. So will all your loved ones because you will be the most beautiful person to spend time around. 30 | Eydis Magazine FORGIVE YOURSELF. Yes, right now. Forgive yourself for the times that you didn’t show up for yourself, the times you didn’t believe in yourself, weren’t kind to yourself, and certainly not compassionate towards yourself. Forgive yourself as not one of us is perfect. Why spend another day being unkind to the person you spend the most time with? There are only so many tomorrows. LOVE CRAZILY AND WILDLY! Don’t hold back your feelings because you are afraid somebody won’t return them. The gift isn’t in being loved, the gift is loving. The gift is being able to feel and experience that unbelievable swirling of love moving through every cell in your body. The gift is the realization that loving is simply enough and realizing your happiness and fulfillment in life is not dependent on how others feel about you, but rather about how you well you loved. ACCEPT YOUR WORTH. LEARN YOUR VALUE. DON’T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LOWER THAN YOU DESERVE, EVER. ACCEPT YOURSELF, ALL OF YOURSELF. Every curve, every imperfection, and every perceived flaw. Look deeply into the depths of your soul through those gorgeous eyes of yours and accept the magnificence reflecting back at you, that is you. Beautiful and brilliant you. Breathtaking. There are only so many tomorrows.