July 2016 Magazine | Page 115

by Liz Bull I f you are still thinking that meditation means sitting cross-legged for hours in an Ashram or that it is only for monks, think again! Meditation, or mindfulness, is for everybody to tune out stress, anxiety, and much, much more in just fifteen minutes a day. Meditation can be more effective than taking a handful of prescribed drugs from your doctor. If you think you need those pills to help you sleep at night, think again. Here are the top seven reasons why meditation is a good thing. 1. HELPS YOU LOSE WEIGHT BY BOOSTING METABOLISM Research shows that, as we age, our metabolism slows down. Meditation helps keep that metabolism right up there, which in turn helps us to either a) lose weight if we need to or b) maintain our already healthy weight. 2. HELPS YOU SLEEP BETTER Meditation increases dopamine. What exactly is dopamine? It’s a hormone and a neurotransmitter in your brain that is responsible for movement, memory, and sensations of pleasure and pain. It regulates mood, behavior, sleep, and recognition. Increased dopamine helps us to sleep better. Tired of tossing and turning all night? Meditate. And, ninety percent of fatburning happens when your body rests, not at the gym. With few exceptions, we all need eight to ten hours of sleep to function. 3. LIFTS DEPRESSION Practicing meditation daily can lift your spirits and remove that dark cloud hanging over your head. Fifteen minutes of meditation brings peace and happiness, which can last for hours. 4. MAKES YOU HAPPY FOR NO REASON Nearly 25 percent of women between 50 and 64 are on anti-depressants. Between ten and thirteen percent of the general population is on some kind of “happy drug.” Keep this in mind when a co-worker or friend casually asks you what you HOW FIFTEEN MINUTES CAN TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE SEVEN REALLY GOOD REASONS TO MEDITATE EVERY SINGLE DAY eydismedia.com 115