In the Voyager Tarot, the Devil is called Devil’s play. “Devil’s Play means to live fully and joyously, and to work and play to the point where play and work are the same. Celebrate the expression of your creative energy.”
Guess what else – and some of you may hotly disagree with what I’m going to say next – there is no Devil except the one that man created! I know, some of you may have been taught the opposite in church and Sunday school, and you may find references in the Bible about the Devil. But the Devil is only us using our powers the wrong way. Take alcohol for instance. In itself, alcohol is not bad but taken to excess it can become addictive. Anything can be used for good or destruction. Fire can keep us warm and cook our food or it can be used to destroy. Same with the emotions of love. Will we use it to uplift or will we use the energy possessively? Another way to describe the Devil is misuse. Have we jumped back into ego thinking again, believing if we think long and hard enough we can solve all our problems? Or have we learned the lessons from the death and temperance cards, realizing that we can let go of the temptation to go it alone, believing we have all the answers and turn to our Higher selves, so we can begin seeing all sides, practicing the lessons of temperance, knowing our guardian archangels are there to help and strengthen us.
The Devil is a Scorpio card but in reality he is really Archangel Uriel, which in Hebrew means Light of God. Amazing, huh! There are more surprises coming! Within each of us is the light of God because we were made in the image and likeness of God. But sometimes we don’t act like Gods or Goddess’s do we? The original Greek word for Devil is diaballien, which means to disrupt the order. Hey, maybe sometimes we need to disrupt the order once in a while.