The Lovers empowers the individual by enabling them to bring opposites together in their life. Here we are talking partnerships of all types, and the need to balance individual needs with the needs of others. With the Lovers the individual learns how to use free will in making and implementing decisions.
The Devil and the Lovers work together in this lifetime to deal with shadow issues (as an individual), and acceptance of self, connecting with Higher Self, and balancing wants/needs with a partner (synthesis of opposites). The Devil addresses our shadow side, and our fears. He teaches us how to deal with power issues, and how our boundaries are self-imposed. The Lovers teaches us to accept ourselves, to love ourselves, and to be open to giving love to others, and receiving it back from them. Here we learn to create harmony through making good choices.
How does a 15/6 individual empower themselves?
Personal empowerment is the ability to focus our personal and spiritual energy in a manner than enhances how we experience our life. As we define our true power, we actualize our potential and begin to live life from a core of inner confidence.