Keywords for the Devil:
Keywords: aggressive, competitive, achievement oriented, self-sufficient, judgmental, being too connected to the material world, living in fear and ignorance, being unwilling to see the truth, hiding your head in the sand, living in illusion, depression, the shadow side of our personality, self-imposed boundaries, unable to love yourself, unwillingness to take any action, the inability to laugh at yourself, taking advantage of or manipulating others, acknowledging your own limitations, turning away from evil, being too moral/structured, not being willing to let go of established structures.
Keywords for the Lovers:
Harmony and union, choices to be made using intuition and not intellect. Difficult decisions to be made not necessarily about love. Some form of test and consideration about commitments. Abstract thought, internal harmony and union, second sight. Possibly a struggle between two paths. Bringing a synthesis to head/heart, opposites coming together, union of male/female within and without, freedom, free will, balanced decisions, loyalty, lack of a relationship, a difficult relationship, communication issues, one-sided love, multiple relationships, suppression of self-expression, inability to make choices, infidelity.