July 2013 Attune Magazine July 2013 | Page 27

He could see that he too could have authority and control and questioned why he was submitting to another, when he could take the power for himself. He begin to put his own self before that of his angelic qualities and purpose and allowed pride to consume him. He became arrogant, conceited and vain. It was at this stage that the sin Pride, was created.

Once Lucifer allowed pride to overwhelm him, other sins soon followed. One of the things that became evident was his desire to want more. He didn't want to be just 'God's right hand', but he wanted to be worshipped as God was. He wanted all the riches in the world and more pleasures than he had. This was when he became the Lord of money, Mammon, and succumbed to greed.

As greed took over, a more specific form of greed developed – lust, a greed for passion and sex. The demon Asmodeus, who resides over the sin of lust, was considered the King of Devils in ancient Hebrew, but was demoted when Satan took over, becoming the face of lust. This suggests that this sin was always present and that it became exacerbated when Satan became greedy.

When Lucifer was then expelled from the heavens and became Satan (the opposer) he became the demon who resides over wrath. He became angry at being thrown out of the heavens and his thoughts and actions became irrational and extreme. This sin examines those times when we allow anger to consume us. It is when we become vengeful and begin to dwell on what makes us angry. This is bad for our spiritual growth, as it prevents us from focusing on our own development, rather shifting our focus to that which is beyond our control.