July 2013 Attune Magazine July 2013 | Page 20

We all have access to this “gift” of intuition and we are all apart of the magic of the universe. Try to allow your intuition to guide you as to your choices, and your preferences, then try to be one with its magic. This magic exists within us all, for we are all Divine beings with many talents, gifts and much knowledge to share with others. Try to embrace your intuition and bring its magic into your life.


Much of the information in this article pertains to the writer’s individual experiences and beliefs. For specific information, the following resources were used for clarification, supporting evidence or simply included as they are good resources to gain spiritual knowledge from.

Abraham-Hicks Publications (1997-2013). “Law of Attraction” [Available online at http://www.abraham-hicks.com]

American Psychoanalytic Association (2009-2013). “Questions and Answers about the Interpretation of Dreams” [Accessed online 23/April/2013 at http://apsa.org/About_Psychoanalysis/Interpretation_of_Dreams.aspx]

Awakening intuition (2000). “All About Your Intuition” [Accessed online 27/Sep/2011 at http://www.awakening-intuition.com/ABOUTYOURINTUITION.html]

Awakening intuition (2000). “Intuition” [Accessed online 27/Sep/2011 at http://www.awakening-intuition.com/]

Casto, Michelle L. (M.Ed) (1999-2011). “What is Intuition and How Do I Use it?” Attard Communications, Inc. [Accessed online 27/Sep/2011 at http://www.businessknowhow.com/manage/intuition.htm]

Centa, Caroline (2013). “Dreams are more real than reality itself, they’re closer to the self.” Readings by Caroline Blog [Accessed online 23/January/2013 at http://blog.readingsbycaroline.net/dreams-are-more-real-than-reality-itself-theyre-closer-to-the-self/]

Conlan, Anna. (undated). “How To Develop Clairaudience.” Psychic but Sane [Accessed online 27/Sep/2011 at http://www.psychicbutsane.com/developing-psychic-abilities-spirit-world/developing-clairaudience]

Conlan, Anna. (undated). “How To Develop Clairsentience.” Psychic but Sane [Accessed online 27/Sep/2011 at http://www.psychicbutsane.com/developing-psychic-abilities-spirit-world/developing-clairsentience]

Doreen Virtue. (2010). “Angel Therapy.” [Available online at http://www.angeltherapy.com/]

Johnson, Reginald G. (Ph.D.) (1996-2011). “Awakening Psychic Abilities.” [Accessed online 27/Sep/2011 at http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Awakening_Psychic_Abilities.html]

Merriam-Webster Incorporated. (2013). “Merriam-Wesbter Dictionary (Online).” [Accessed online 21/April/2013 at http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sixth%20sense]

Quantum Possibilities (2006). “The Clairs” [Accessed online 27/Sep/2011 at http://www.quantumpossibilities.biz/clairs.htm]

Virtue, Doreen (Ph.D) (2008). “Keys to Clairvoyance.” Quoted by Amber, K. Spiritual Growth To Enlightenment [Accessed online 27/Sep/2011 at http://www.messagestogod.com/blog/divine-purpose/divine-creativity/keys-to-clairvoyance/]